Overcoming Math Challenges

Overcoming Math Challenges - Hannah

Hannah,a 9-year-old girl, faces challenges in Mathematics. She struggles with the acquisition and retention of new material, often falling behind when information is presented too quickly. Her performance in Maths class causes anxiety, leading to a decline in self-confidence.

To address Hannah's difficulties, an educational therapist dedicated time to enhance her foundational numeracy skills. Hannah was encouraged to learn essential number facts and number bonds, reducing her reliance on finger counting for calculations. Concrete materials were employed to illustrate mathematical concepts, enabling her to articulate and elucidate her thought processes. Strategies for solving word problems involved the use of manipulatives, drawing diagrams, and identifying key words. Through therapy, Hannah's processing speed and memory skills were targeted, resulting in improved capacity to comprehend and retain both verbal and visual information.

With the strengthening of her cognitive abilities, Hannah now comprehends explanations more effectively and grasps new topics with greater ease. She has developed a solid understanding of all aspects of numeracy and can apply her knowledge to unfamiliar concepts. Furthermore, she has become swifter and more accurate in completing her school and homework. While Hannah still benefits from additional numeracy support to ensure full comprehension of each topic and ample practice opportunities, she no longer defines herself as "bad at Maths" and is unafraid to tackle challenging tasks. Hannah eagerly anticipates her weekly therapy sessions and enthusiastically demonstrates her evolving abilities to her therapist, parents, and teachers.

Note: The identities of the individuals mentioned in the success story have been altered to maintain confidentiality.


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